I remind my clients on a daily basis that all of their feelings are good- even the uncomfortable ones like anger or resentment. When we feel anger, it means that there is something in our life that is not fair or balanced. Possibly a relationship with a particular person feels unbalanced or unfair in the way we are being treated (or perceive we are being treated).
The feeling of anger should inspire us to do what we can to make the situation more fair, but most people haven’t been taught how to do this in a way that will get their needs met. This leads to explosive anger and/or toxic, internalized resentment.
In this workshop, we will discuss healthy ways to process these feelings, along with a group session to help release unnecessary anger. We will conclude by creating a vision of your life responding in a more calm, present fashion in the face of difficult situations and people.
Thursday, April 11: 6-7:30pm
$20/person; cash or check greatly appreciated
Click here to register: https://goo.gl/forms/mz53Fb8rKQwbgEOI2
Facebook event page for updates and inspiration: https://www.facebook.com/events/322561058382965/