I don’t know about you, but I hear it all of the time: “Change is scary.” People often stay in difficult, even painful, life circumstances because at least they know what to expect. This leads to stagnation, lack of fulfillment, even illness. At some point, people realize they’ve had enough and they seek help. They know that something needs to change, but they might not be sure exactly what, and if they have a tendency toward fear as an overall primary feeling, they might need additional coaxing to facilitate change. As 5-PATHers, we have several tools to help our clients embrace change in their lives so that they can be happy, fulfilled, and healthy! In this article I’ll explore some tips so that you can help your clients make wonderful changes in their lives.
- The “T” in 5-PATH stands for transformation- a process of change. It is important that you use language very early on about change and transformation with your client. This helps prepare them for the understanding that through doing this kind of work, they can make changes in their lives that will be positive and exciting rather than negative and scary.
- I work with nature imagery a lot in my office, and I especially rely on butterflies to help my clients get excited about change. I often explain how easy it would be for the butterfly to just stay in the cocoon, but then we talk about how the cocoon can be limiting and confining. In order for a butterfly to emerge from the cocoon, it needs to struggle, flapping its wings to get the blood flowing. Most clients admit that it is pretty hard to be grumpy, angry or sad when they see a butterfly flitting through the air. Many say that they want to be “free” just like the butterfly. In your work, you can help them be just like that butterfly, if they choose!
- When clients first come to the office, I have them complete the “Benefits form” from the Banyan Hypnosis Center business pack. The benefits form gives you the opportunity to help the client develop a positive frame of mind for change. It doesn’t ask the client what changes they want to make, it asks the clients about what is good in making those changes- the benefits of making the change. The form also asks probing questions that can lead to a lot of insight for the client, including the statement “If I get better, I stand to lose:___”…. the response to this question can often be very eye opening to your client who might not have realized the ways they were resisting change.
- Give your clients something to be excited about as they proceed through the process and show them what change looks and feels like through age progression. At the end of your session, save a few minutes to show them how good it is going to feel as they move forward in their lives having made the change. Have them pre-experience life with the change on a deep level, helping them create a new positive expectation about change.
- As you move through the process, focus on incremental but noticeable changes. Help your clients see that each “baby step” that he or she makes is one small part of marching forward in the timeline of their lives- every step is important, and as they continue forward each step will become easier and easier to take.
I hope that these tips and tools help you and your clients embrace change and celebrate transformation so they can live satisfying lives on every level!