I often explain to my clients that their brains are like computers. We are often running outdated (or unnecessary programming all of the time). Sometimes we need to do a virus scan, re-organize the file folders, or push the reset button to clear out the clutter so that we can think more clearly and be in the present moment. In this group session, we will do some Spring Cleaning of the mind, creating space to help build your confidence to achieve your goals.
This is an especially great session for those who are curious about one on one hypnotherapy sessions at Healing Path Hypnosis. I commonly use many of the same suggestions and ideas from this particular session in my therapeutic process as a way of opening the door to the subconscious mind to prepare clients for the intensive work we will be doing over the next several weeks. I especially enjoy this session because it can be used on a variety of issues, helping clients overcome a variety of challenges, from confidence/self esteem, overcoming fears, weight loss, even performance issues.
Thursday, March 14: 6-7:30pm
$20/person; cash or check greatly appreciated
Click here to register: https://goo.gl/forms/GiAbs8GHpDFTxSOP2
Facebook event page for more information and inspiration: https://www.facebook.com/events/360213914530372/